Thursday, December 19, 2013

The carpets of my life.

Onto my second Dr of the day. Total this week 7 appointments. All from Auroa to Boulder to Longmont and Denver. Never are they close or by each other.  Going to the top Drs makes you drive all over Colorado. But it is worth it. 

Day in the life with LIVEabetes I guess. I went to one Dr today that couldn't even give me a exam because it took so long to go over my medical history. I literally had to schedule another Apointment to be examed and treated. This Dr literally said he was scared for me!  What does that mean?  Yesterday I was told I have neuropathy in my digestion. They think that is why All my vitamins and medications are not working well anymore.  It also explains why I sometimes I can not digest food right. It's up or down with that one haha.  What a world. I am writing this blog and others so people can be aware of a LIVeabetics daily struggles. Most kids do not go through what I do as a LIVeabetic because the side effects have not kicked in. At 33 I have I swear almost all side effects.  

On a Daily:

Pain: Something I and many others deal with on a daily.  I wish a camera would follow me around because what a show that would be.  I flop like a fish at night because the pain is so bad I have to move or my limb goes numb because of the position I sleep in. I wake up on average 15 times a night. Oops blood sugars is low or hight. Test and treat. Once awake, I let my vision get into focus streach and slowly get out of bed cracking acking and muscles burning with fire. After a few hours I warm up and can move better. On the days I can't wait and have to get ready I have to take a pain pill to get me through. My arms can not hold themselves up over my head to wash my face, hair, brush my teeth and hair, put makeup on and put cloths on with out painful cries and pauses to get my hands from being numb and my arms from giving out on me. I forget everything and walk in circles trying to remeber what I was doing. Once ready I go down stairs to realize I forgot something up stairs. I climb my way up the stairs in pain to get it. MAN CAN I TAKE A NAP YET!  I then take my meds. All 12 of them and go about my day. Oops blood sugars is low or hight. Test and treat.  Well shit it's already noon by the time I get ready so as you can imagin I get ready only about 2 x a week. 

On to my day. I head to a Dr Apointment which on average is a 30 minute drive. Oops I forgot my turn. Wait where am I?  Shit! Turn around again. Awe here I am.  Wait and wait, see the Dr, reschedule and head back. Oops blood sugars is low or hight. Test and treat.  Now it's 3:30 and I have to get my son from school. Wait why am I in Longmont?  I spaced out and forgot where I was going again. Turn around and I am late again.  Oops blood sugars is low or hight. Test and treat.

On to my night:  Holy Hell I hurt, push on you can make it,  keep going.  Pump your fist and streach your hands are numb from the tension of your day. Oops blood sugars is low or hight. Test and treat.  On to dinner!  What to make. Hmm coffee make coffee, I forgot to feed the dogs. Wait I was cooking. Stay focused. Food!  Dom (son) come chop for me please.  My hands go numb chopping. Oops blood sugars is low or hight. Test and treat.  I need to run to the store I'll be back, 2 hours later OMG THE HOUSE IS FULL OF SMOKE!  I forgot I was cooking.  Oops blood sugars is low or hight. Test and treat.  I am so sleepy and hurt so bad let's order out.   Time to lay down and take my pain meds I hurt. 8:30 pm!  What, it's not midnight?!?  Streach, rub, heat, pill. Oops blood sugars is low or hight. Test and treat.

Repeat, Repeat, Repeat. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Progress and Promise in Stem Cell Research

Very Cool Post.  Being Diabetic for 27 years I know the side effects of Diabetes.  I have 4 auto immune disorders and 15 diagnosis's.  We need a cure.  It is the 3rd most cause of death in the world.  It starts at Childhood but last our life time.  We fight every single day to live and even then it is not manageable all the time.  I hate when people say its not a big deal because we can manage it to stay a live.  The reality is no one is perfect and even if we were the world and life can effect our health and blood sugars.  I am 33 and feel the effects every minute of my day.  I go to 4-5 Dr's a week to try and control my diabetes and all the side effects of it.  At 30 I had a heart attack because diabetics are prone to gall bladder infections and this infection almost took my life.  When donating to a cause this year please keep diabetes in mind.  I like to say I have Live-abetes not diabetes and I live my diabetes everyday.  Please share to help awareness.
Progress and Promise in Stem Cell Research